Spring 2024 Events for Kids Ministry

One of my favorite things to do in Kids Ministry is to plan events. This Spring, we have plenty of fun events planned for our kids. If you're looking for ideas throughout the year, this will be great for inspiration.

BIG TIP: Always remember that at the heart of every event, there must be a purpose. Are you going to share the gospel during the event? Maybe its an outreach event? Maybe its just to create a sense of community with your kids and/or their leaders? Whatever the purpose may be, be sure to make it clear to yourself and your volunteers.

1. Bring a Friend Night (BAF NIGHT)

Awanas had BARF (Bring a Real Friend) night so I decided to make my own version. Bring a Friend night is an event based on my church's student ministry's Invite Night. I personally felt that the language of "bring a friend" would resonate better with my kids, especially the younger ones, so I chose to brand it separate.

This event is a great chance to remind kids why we want to invite our friends. We want to invite friends to make church more fun, yes, but more importantly to tell them about Jesus. I told our kids that we will share the gospel this night and that their friends will not want to miss it.

Although we are going to have to push back Bring a Friend night back a week due to inclement weather these past few days, the kids are so excited to bring their friends to church with them that they've started bringing friends already

2. Love Letters

Since this year Valentine's Day is on a Wednesday, I've decided to do a full gospel presentation night. During the Love Letters event, kids will write love letters to their family and friends with lots of fun crafty items while also hearing the good news of Jesus Christ!

I feel it would be a shame to miss the opportunity to help connect Valentine's Day with the great love of God for our kids. I actually tried this last fall in October with an event called, "The Patch". During this event, the kids painted pumpkins (with washable paint that DOES NOT work well with pumpkins) and I shared the gospel using a pumpkin gospel illustration. The kids absolutely loved the night, and I had several kids come up to me wanting to talk about Jesus. I even had conversations with one kid's aunt! It was a fantastic night, and I knew I just had to do it again.

If you're looking for an easy and purposeful Valentine's Day event, try sharing the gospel that night! I promise you, the good news never falls flat.

3. Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt

Okay, whoever came up with this idea was a GENIUS. Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt introduces a unique spin on the Easter traditions. Yes, I know that some churches aren't too keen on easter eggs during what should be a celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection, but if you do it right, there is really no harm in having fun.

You can find plastic glow in the dark eggs on Amazon for cheap that only require a little bit of setup. I chose to have this event inside our church gym as opposed to outside. I personally feel it would be safer indoors than outdoors considering our church's location.

4. Grow Curriculum Super Cool Pool Party

I can't take credit for this one as it comes straight from the Volume 7 Grow Curriculum. Every summer, we take our older kids (completed 3rd grade through 5th grade) to Christian summer camp for a week. In order to not leave our younger kids out, my church hosts a Kids Camp specifically for them. This year, out theme is Super Cool Pool Party

The theme is genius: wintertime in the summer! I love these funky theme mixes that are exciting for the kids. You could even move the event back a month and have Christmas in July!

If your church has the budget for a snowmachine (mine doesn't!), this would be a great excuse to purchase one.


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